Find Your Super Power
In 1983 I was working as a security officer at Bi-Mart in Ontario, Oregon. I was casually pushing a shopping cart through the store, acting as if I were shopping, when I noticed a very handsome man in the cigarette aisle.
In 1983 I was working as a security officer at Bi-Mart in Ontario, Oregon. I was casually pushing a shopping cart through the store, acting as if I were shopping, when I noticed a very handsome man in the cigarette aisle.
We landed a project in Dundee, OR, to replace the existing 18" concrete sewer pipe with 24" PVC. The existing sewer pipe line included a section that was directly under an existing power line
In January of 2015, the company I work for launched a new idea for all of our foremen; an incentive program to encourage us to accurately complete all of our paperwork.
One hot, sultry afternoon on their South West New Mexico ranch Maria asked Manuel if he had seen their old burro. Just moments later, Maria heard the braying of their old donkey in the distance.
This past spring and summer my family and I were building our new home in Hockinson, WA. I knew it would be a big job
I was making phone calls and doing some paperwork in my truck at our NW Kerby Street project. When I got out of the truck, closed the door to begin my walk back to our crew...
On April 12, 2016, I was headed towards I-5 in the fast lane at about 65 mph when a bright red Lincoln Continental came off the 213 to the I-205 South ramp and crossed three lanes of traffic intending to occupy the space my pick-up was in!
Our concrete crew needed to construct some kind of railing or tie-off system for pouring a curb on top of a fourteen foot high wall. Instead of following my standard approach of trying to figure out the best way to solve this problem, I asked my crew for their ideas.
On April 2, 2014 I was sitting in my job shack outside of our company offices pondering my current position and my future. Our firm had recently reorganized the field operations of the company into strategic business units.
In the winter of 2007 we were working with the Washington State Parks Dept. to replace the water system at a park north of Castle Rock.