
When you dramatize your ideas everyone buys in.

Scott, Sales Manager, for an industrial water works distributor in Portland, OR, told Session 10 of Turbo’s Leadership Development Lab (LDL):

“Earlier today we had our monthly Strategy Committee meeting at our company, headquartered in Tigard. It is a ten person task force team that I am a member of. This committee is made up of ownership and other company leaders. The committee’s purpose is to look forward and determine the strategies required to improve our company and to find innovative ways to grow our business.

“The committee has tended to spend a lot of its time reporting on the individual projects of our members, not as much time on windshield topics and thinking outside the box.

“Before I became enlightened by the Turbo Leadership Development Lab teachings, I would tend to go with the flow in the committee activities. Any new, innovative ideas I had I would discuss with my boss, the President of the company, in our weekly one on one’s. My enlightenment has led me to see the folly of my ways, and so I asked for 15 minutes at today’s meeting to present a huge opportunity that is way outside of our traditional box. I created a PowerPoint presentation to help dramatize my idea, and spoke with passion to our group about what it could mean to our company’s future growth and market position. The idea is a service business to help municipal water departments determine with greater accuracy the condition of their in-situ pipes utilizing a state of the art non-destructive technology, thus allowing utilities to only replace those assets in genuinely poor condition and potentially save a huge amount of money.

“The presentation went very well. The committee was stunned to hear about the value of the underground water supply infrastructure and how this service could be of great value to the municipal utilities. Committee members asked supportive questions and there were no negatives voiced. I received compliments from committee members about how much they learned in such a short time. They are all interested in learning more.

“The lesson I learned from this experience is that I need to bring my ideas to the forefront of our company’s strategic discussions and present them in a way that dramatizes their value.

“The action I want you to take is to dramatize your ideas and infuse your colleagues and customers with as much passion as you feel about your ideas.

“The benefit you will gain are allies in accomplishing your goals, with a much greater chance for success.”

I love this story because it is so easy to relate to the natural tendency to hold back, to be tentative about our ideas. The costs and losses that result from giving in and giving up on our ideas before anyone ever hears them, before they see the light of day is enormous.

Today is your day to take a stand for your ideas. Think them through, prepare them, and share them with lots of flair!